Product Name Manufacturer Name Composition SubComposition Selling price MRP Action
Zenstar Life Sciences Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (60Million spores) 105 105 Add to Cart
Sonixa Lifecare Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (60Million spores) 75 75 Add to Cart
Edymax Lifesciences Private Limited Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (60Million spores) 72.5 72.5 Add to Cart
Cipla Ltd Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (2.5Billion Spores) 98 98 Add to Cart
Jenburkt Pharmaceuticals Ltd Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (2.5Billion Spores) 102 102 Add to Cart
Solitaire Pharmacia Pvt Ltd Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (2.5Billion cells) 79 79 Add to Cart
Orange Biotech Pvt Ltd Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (60Million spores) 90 90 Add to Cart
Nova Indus Pharmaceuticals Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (60Million spores) 95 95 Add to Cart
Pharma Drugs & Chemicals Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (2.5Million spores) 92.9 92.9 Add to Cart
Kayess Healthcare Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (60Million spores) 81 81 Add to Cart
Jasco Labs Pvt Ltd Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (2.5Billion cells) 96 96 Add to Cart
Haustus Biotech Pvt Ltd Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (60Million spores) 82.5 82.5 Add to Cart
Ridhima Biocare Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (60Million spores) 75 75 Add to Cart
Zydus Cadila Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (20Million spores) 68.1 68.1 Add to Cart
Pharma Drugs & Chemicals Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (1.7Billion cells) 92.9 92.9 Add to Cart
Snu Biocare Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (2.5Million spores) 70 70 Add to Cart
Aurz Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (120Million spores) 79 79 Add to Cart
Segos Biocare Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (60Million spores) 85 85 Add to Cart
Healthserch Pharma LLP Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (60Million spores) 85 85 Add to Cart
Serene Lifeworld Pvt Ltd Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (60Million spores) 80 80 Add to Cart