Product Name Manufacturer Name Composition SubComposition Selling Price MRP Action
Alencure Biotech Pvt Ltd Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (2.5Million spores) 75 75 Add to Cart
Atlantis Formulations Pvt Ltd Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (2.5Million spores) 101 101 Add to Cart
Ernst Pharmacia Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (2.5Million spores) 119.5 119.5 Add to Cart
Medisync Pharma Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (2.5Million spores) 98 98 Add to Cart
Indo-Asia Pharma Care Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (2.5Million spores) 99 99 Add to Cart
I.I.F.A Health Care Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (2.5Million spores) 90 90 Add to Cart
Instant Remedies Pvt Ltd Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (2.5Million spores) 85 85 Add to Cart
Lemford Biotech Pvt Ltd Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (2.5Million spores) 70 70 Add to Cart
Medfe Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (2.5Million spores) 85 85 Add to Cart
Innovative Pharmaceuticals Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (2.5Million spores) 79.5 79.5 Add to Cart
Pharma Drugs & Chemicals Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (2.5Million spores) 92.9 92.9 Add to Cart
Snu Biocare Amoxycillin + Dicloxacillin + Lactobacillus Amoxycillin (250mg) + Dicloxacillin (250mg) + Lactobacillus (2.5Million spores) 70 70 Add to Cart