Dr. Rai CBCC Cancer Center
#162, Saveetha Dental College Campus, Poonamalle High Rd,, Velappanchavadi, Chennai
About Dr. Rai CBCC Cancer Center
Dr. Rai CBCC Cancer Center is a clinic in Poonamalle, Chennai. The clinic is visited by doctors like Dr. Prasad E. The timings of Dr. Rai CBCC Cancer Center are: Mon to Sun: 9:00 AM-3:00 PM. Click on map to find directions to reach Dr. Rai CBCC Cancer Center.You can find various information about do Dr. Rai CBCC Cancer Center is a clinic in Poonamalle, Chennai. The clinic is visited by doctors like Dr. Prasad E. The timings of Dr. Rai CBCC Cancer Center are: Mon to Sun: 9:00 AM-3:00 PM. Click on map to find directions to reach Dr. Rai CBCC Cancer Center. You can find various information about doctors of Dr. Rai CBCC Cancer Center on Timesmed.com.
Doctors in Dr. Rai CBCC Cancer Center
- All Specialty
- Oncologist Cancer Specialist (1)
Dr.Prasad E
MBBS, Diploma in Radio Therapy, DM - Oncology
9 years experience
#162, Saveetha Dental College Campus, Poonamalle High Rd,, Velappanchavadi, ChennaiMon - Sat , Sun, 9:00AM - 12:00PM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic