Dr Swati Rajagopal completed her primary medical training at MS Ramaiah Medical college, affiliated to Bangalore University followed by post graduate specialization in Infectious diseases at Royal Prince Alfred hospital, affiliated to the University of Sydney. Dr Rajagopal went on to pursue her specialization in tropical diseases, travel medicine and infection control at London school of hygiene and tropical medicine.Commenced working as a consultant in infectious diseases and internal medicine in 2008 as a part of Columbia Asia group of hospitals. This involved treatment of infections in critically ill patients in intensive care unit, outpatient care and management of patients with acute and chronic infections. This also involves treatment of post operative -wound infections and management of patients with HIV. As a part of travel medicine clinic, prophylaxis, vaccinations and travel advice is also given. As a part of Columbia Asia infection control team, monthly audits of antibiotic use and Hospital acquired infections is conducted. You can get the phone number of Dr. Swathi Rajagopal on
Malleswaram, Bangalore
Arista Health Clinic
#16, 1st Floor, 8th Main, 9th Cross, Malleswaram, Landmark Manipal North Side Hospital, Bangalore