Dr Naveen Talwar is a Senior Consultant Orthopedics with Fortis Group of Hospitals, NEW DELHI where he brings more than 20 years of experience and an extensive Operating Background. His Orthopaedics experience began as a Junior Consultant at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi 20 years ago and has progressed to be a Senior Consultant now with the Fortis Group. His experience includes both Acute and Chronic Orthopaedic care with Academic Teaching for Orthopaedic Post-Graduate in various Hospitals, he visits as a Senior Consultant. He is also an Examiner for conducting DNB Examination for Post-graduate Orthopaedic Dotors. Dr. Talwar has extensive experience in JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERIES of the KNEE , HIP, SHOULDER AND ELBOW. He has to his credit more than 3000 surgeries of the above. His other Orthopaedics interests which he is passionate about are SPORTS MEDICINE AND SPINE Related issues. HE has also served in the past as a Senior Advisor in Multiple Facilities facing the need for major restructuring and process improvement. This has further lead to his appointment as a MEDICAL ADVISOR to several Health care Companies like MAP MY GENOME, IMS, AM and APEX MEDCONNECT to name a few. He is a Board Member at UNITED WAY CHARITY ( a leading US based charity worldwide ), CANKIDS ( a palliative paediatric cancer care chain) and THE GOLF FOUNDATION, INDIA. Prior to joining Fortis Group, Dr. Talwar was Director Orthopaedics with The Rockland Group Of Hospitals. Dr Talwar received his Bachelor's degree MBBS at UCMS college New Delhi and a Masters Degree in ORTHOPAEDICS at KGMC, Lucknow. To know more about Dr. Naveen Talwar, visit:drnaveentalwar.Wix.Com You can get the phone number of Dr. Naveen Talwar on
Sat 2:00PM - 4:00PM
Mon - Fri 4:00PM - 6:00PM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic
Sat 2:00PM - 4:00PM
Mon - Fri 4:00PM - 6:00PM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic
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Sat 2:00PM - 4:00PM
Mon - Fri 4:00PM - 6:00PM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic
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Sat 2:00PM - 4:00PM
Mon - Fri 4:00PM - 6:00PM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic
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- MBBS - UCMS college New Delhi
- -MS - Orthopaedics - ORTHOPEDICS at KGMC
- Lucknow.
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- Orthopedic Surgeon
Awards and Recognitions
Research and Paper Publication- Diagnostic role of Arthroscopy in Intra Articular injuries of the knee joint: M.S - P G Thesis
Research and Paper Publication- Hybrid fixation in rotating platform knee using L C S knee system
Research and Paper Publication- Comparison of Femoral Anteversion in Hip Arthroplasties by Anterior and posterior approach
Research and Paper Publication- Bipolar T.H.R in Intertrochanteric Fractures- Present Research Work
Research and Paper Publication- Osteochondral Bone Grafting/ harvesting of Cartilage- For Osteothrosis of the knee- Present research work
Organising Secretary- Indian Arthroplasty Association meeting (International Chapter at Indian Habitat Centre Delhi) - 1999
Organising Secretary- SAARC National Orthopaedic Confeence at Indian Habitat Centre Newdelhi - 2001
Appointed as Medical Director- VLCC Health Panel - 1999
Talks and Lectures- Delhi Association of Doctors- Award for Excellence - 2005
More than 100 talks and lectures on various orthopaedics topic over the last 20 years in Various orthopaedic forums- Conferences and workshops
Chairman on Advisory Board of Orthopaedic Distance Learning Programme 2007-08 -
- 6Indian Orthopaedic Association(Ioa)DELHI ORTHOPAEDIC ASSOCIATION(DOA)Arthroscopic Society Of India(Asi)Indo-French Orthopaedic Association(AFICOT)Delhi Arthroplaty AssociationAO/Asif Association
- Switzerland
- 5202Medical Council of India