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Dr.Ganjam Krishna Prasad

Dr.Ganjam Krishna Prasad


General Physician

39 years experience

Vaidya Ganjam Krishna Prasad, the founder of this organization was born and bought up in a Traditional Ayurveda Acharya family which is practicing the science of life by serving the sick and enlighten the society with various treatments and healthy practices which will benefit them and also the nation as a whole. So, as inspired by his ancestors, qualified in first class to the highest degree in ayurveda as ayurveda vachaspati - M.D. In kayachikitsa- general medicine in the year 1978, and since then established Charaka Ayurveda Asramam, and continued to serve the mankind. Has expertise in various diseases which are mentioned under specialities of General Public including Children, Women, Old age, Lifestyle Disorders- Treating and Preventing their Recurrence. You can get the phone number of Dr. Ganjam Krishna Prasad on



  • BAMS - Government Ayurveda Medical College- 1970
  • MD-Ayurveda - Hyderabad- 1977


  • Ayurveda
  • General Physician

Awards and Recognitions

  • Ayurveda Vachaspati - 1981

  • Pragna Bharati A.P. Scientists Cell- Health For All- ISM - 1993

  • Sri Rangacharya Uttama Vaidya Puraskaar - 1999

  • Vaikhanas Maha Mandali Satkaar - 2000

  • Guru- Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth- Ministry of Health & Family Welfare- New Delhi - 2008

  • Preventive Cardiology In Ayurveda-Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth- New Delhi - 2010



  • 1977 - 2014-Chief Physician at Charaka Ayurveda Asramam


  • 17471-AYUSH- 1981
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