Dr Mehta Child Clinic

Dr Mehta Child Clinic


vedant clinic opposite to TCS gate 2 bhoirwadi near megapolis Hinjewadi pahse 3, Pune

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About Dr Mehta Child Clinic

Dr. Mehta hild clinic is located in chhtrapati chowk, wakad. this clinic is equipped with all the advance facilities for pediac treatments. this clinic is managed by dr. Pranami Mehta. she is very experienced doctor in different field of pediac. she is MBBS with more than 8 years of experience. she is permanent member of IMA & IPAYou can find various information about doctors of Dr Mehta Child Clinic on Tmesmed.com.

Doctors in Dr Mehta Child Clinic

  • Dr.Pranami Mehta
    Dr.Pranami Mehta

    MBBS,Diploma in Child Health (DCH)

    9 years experience


    vedant clinic opposite to TCS gate 2 bhoirwadi near megapolis Hinjewadi pahse 3, Pune

    Mon - Sat 9:30AM - 12:00PM

    Mon - Sat 6:00PM - 9:00PM

    Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic


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