Dr. Bibaswan Ghosh's Clinic
48b, B T Road, Kolkata - 700050, Near Sinthi More, Kolkata
About Dr. Bibaswan Ghosh's Clinic
During calls please ask for Ms. Mita Kundu (Dr's assistant)You can get phone numbers and call doctors of Dr. Bibaswan Ghosh's Clinic on Tmesmed.com.
Doctors in Dr. Bibaswan Ghosh's Clinic
Specialty Wise Doctor List 1 Doctors in this hospital
- All Specialty
- Andrologist (1)
- Urologist (1)
Dr.Bibaswan Ghosh
MBBS,FRCS (Urology),F.A.I.S
27 years experience
48b, B T Road, Kolkata - 700050, Near Sinthi More, KolkataMon - Sat 11:00AM - 11:55AM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic
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