Venkats Physio &Yoga Clinic
Yoga Physiotherapy Orthopedic Physiotherapy Sports And Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Physiotherapy
F1/F2, Slam Lifestyle & Fitness Studio, OMR, Landmark : Opposite Apollo Speaclitity Hospitals, Chennai
About Venkats Physio &Yoga Clinic
At Venkats Physio & Yoga Clinic, we offer courses that gives you ample amount of clarity and confidence to run your general Yoga sessions as well as while handling students with some medical conditions, at least you will know when to refer someone to a doctor without worsening any of their symptoms.Here At Venkats Physio & Yoga Clinic, we offer courses that gives you ample amount of clarity and confidence to run your general Yoga sessions as well as while handling students with some medical conditions, at least you will know when to refer someone to a doctor without worsening any of their symptoms.Here at Venkats Physio & Yoga Clinic, we look forward to running practical sessions for students enrolled in different university Yoga courses as well as we are eager to collaborate with Universities and other Institutions to further our Teacher training services. Diagnosis being the Key for 100% recovery We include Western as well as Eastern perceptions in Understanding the Human body!!Its the way we look at a medical condition that helps us to arrive at the right diagnosis and proper treatment!!! Venkats Yoga – is based on three ancient systems of Yoga viz., Patanjali Yoga Sutras Swami Vivekanandas - Raja Yoga Siddha yoga from 18 Siddha tradition The uniqueness is that “Venkats Yoga & Physio\" system throws light on the Physical and Non-Physical aspects of Human form and through systemized practice makes every student Experience the different subtle layers of his or her makeup. Hence the student/recipient & realizes the varying nature of his/her body and mind and the importance of balancing these Physical and Psychological variables for their well being on an everyday basis. You can get phone numbers and call doctors of Venkats Physio & Yoga Clinic on Timesmed.com.
Doctors in Venkats Physio &Yoga Clinic
- All Specialty
- Yoga and Naturopathy (1)
- Physiotherapist (1)
- Orthopedic Physiotherapist (1)
- Wellness (1)
- Sports and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist (1)
- Cardiovascular And Pulmonary Physiotherapist (1)
Dr.A. Venkat
BPTh/BPT, Masters in Psychology, Diploma in Naturopathy & Yogic Science (DNYS), Certification in Musculoskeletal Manual Therapy
21 years experience
Yoga and Naturopathy Physiotherapist Orthopedic Physiotherapist Wellness Sports and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist Cardiovascular And Pulmonary Physiotherapist
F1/F2, Slam Lifestyle & Fitness Studio, OMR, Landmark : Opposite Apollo Speaclitity Hospitals, ChennaiMon - Sat 11:00AM - 4:00PM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic