Sundar Eye Hospital
W98, Second Avenue Landmark : Opp. to Nalli Shop Anna Nagar, Chennai Tamil Nadu, 600040
About Sundar Eye Hospital
Your vision is our mission"our best for every patient who walks in "Your vision is our mission""our best for every patient who walks in"This has been our goal from 1988.Over the last 2 decades we have grown from a single ophthalmologist (Dr. Ramesh Dorairajan) clinic to a group of full time and part time consultants who have complementary interests. Our aim is to provide the very best in different specialities in ophthalmology.Today, 18 of us, including 4 optometrists, nurses, operating room staff and support staff help in treating our patients.Our hospital is named after my younger brother Sundar who lost his life while a 3rd year student of Madras Medical College. His memory helps me keep goal posts in sight."Do your best and god will take care of the rest""we are all equal in the eyes of the almighty"we are centrally located at Annanagar. We offer "One Site solution for all your needs", be it a eye check up for glasses, Field test for Glaucoma, Cataract surgery with foldable lens implant with cashless medical reimbursement or computerised field test for glaucoma. We offer excellent care under one roof.You can get phone numbers and call doctors of Sundar Eye Hospital on Timesmed.com.
Doctors in Sundar Eye Hospital
- All Specialty
- Ophthalmologist Eye Surgeon (3)
Dr.Devi Radhakrishnan
MBBS, Post Graduate Diploma in Ophthalmology, Diplomate National Board Ophthalmology, Medical Retina Fellowship Sankara Nethralaya
20 years experience
W98, Second Avenue Landmark : Opp. to Nalli Shop Anna Nagar, Chennai Tamil Nadu, 600040Mon - Sat 9:30AM - 5:30PM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic
Dr.Ramesh Dorairajan
MS - Ophthalmology, MBBS, Post Graduate Diploma in Ophthalmology
29 years experience
W98, Second Avenue Landmark : Opp. to Nalli Shop Anna Nagar, Chennai Tamil Nadu, 600040Mon - Sat 11:00AM - 1:30PM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic
Dr.Padmaja Jagadeesan
MBBS, MS - Ophthalmology
17 years experience
W98, Second Avenue Landmark : Opp. to Nalli Shop Anna Nagar, Chennai Tamil Nadu, 600040Mon - Fri 9:00AM - 12:00PM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic