Dr Renita Rajan Skin & Hair Clinic
Cosmetology dermatology Hair Transplant
5c, Haddows Lane, Opp Sasthri Bhavan, Haddows Rd, Nungambakkam, Chennai
About Dr Renita Rajan Skin & Hair Clinic
Dr Renita Rajan Skin And Hair Clinic, at Nungambakkam, is an exclusive Skin and Hair Clinic, that caters to needs related to Aesthetic and Cosmetic Skin and Hair issues, Non surgical Cosmetic Treatments, LASER treatments, Dermatosurgery and Dermatology. The Clinic maintains high standards of professionalism a Dr Renita Rajan Skin And Hair Clinic, at Nungambakkam, is an exclusive Skin and Hair Clinic, that caters to needs related to Aesthetic and Cosmetic Skin and Hair issues, Non surgical Cosmetic Treatments, LASER treatments, Dermatosurgery and Dermatology. The Clinic maintains high standards of professionalism and ethics, and provides access to the best and the most advanced treatments for skin and hair problems. An aesthetic ambience, professional and knowledgeable staff and treatments based on proven clinical evidence are unique factors that help the Clinic enjoy a loyal clientele. Information on treatments and services available at the Clinic can be accessed at www.chennaiskinclinic.com and at www.renitarajan.com. You can get phone numbers and call doctors of Dr Renita Rajan Skin & Hair Clinic on Timesmed.com.
Doctors in Dr Renita Rajan Skin & Hair Clinic
- All Specialty
- Dermatologist (1)
- Hair Transplant Surgeon (1)
Dr.Renita Rajan
MBBS, MD - Dermatology, DNB
13 years experience
5c, Haddows Lane, Opp Sasthri Bhavan, Haddows Rd, Nungambakkam, ChennaiTue , Wed , Thu , Fri , Sat, 10:00AM - 6:00PM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic