Wellness Xperts
SCO-22,Ranjeet avenue, b-block,district shopping complex,amritsar, Amritsar
About Wellness Xperts
Slimming / Skin / Hair /DERMATOLOGY/LASERYou can get phone numbers and call doctors of Wellness Xperts on Timesmed. com., Slimming / Skin / Hair /DERMATOLOGY/LASERYou can get phone numbers and call doctors of Wellness Xperts on Timesmed. com.
Doctors in Wellness Xperts
- All Specialty
- Wellness (1)
Master of Health Sciences (MHSc)
17 years experience
SCO-22,Ranjeet avenue, b-block,district shopping complex,amritsar, AmritsarMon - Sat , Sun, 7:00AM - 8:00PM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic