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Dr.Sivabalan Elangovan Dr.CLAIM PROFILE
MBBS, MD-Psychiatry
General Physician Psychiatrist
6 years experience
240 Recommendations
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Dr. Sivabalan Elangovan is a Psychiatrist in Periyar Nagar, Chennai and has an experience of 6 years in this field. Dr. Sivabalan Elangovan practices at The Psychiatric Clinic in Periyar Nagar, Chennai. He completed MBBS from Trichi Medical College in 2005 and M.D Psychiatry from Stanley Medical College Hospital , Chennai in 2011.He is a member of Indian Psychiatric Society. Some of the services provided by the doctor are: Addiction, Marriage Counselling, General Psychiatry, Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) and Double Personality/Schizophrenia etc. You can get the phone number of Dr. Sivabalan Elangovan on Timesmed.com
Periyar-Nagar, Chennai
- Anger Management
- Suicidal Behavior
- Career Counselling
- Drug Abuse and Addiction
- Violent Behavior
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)
- Nicotine Addiction
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Premarital Counseling
- Abnormal
- Unusual
- Strange Behavior
- Marriage Counselling
- Alcohol Addiction
- Addiction
- Antisocial Behavior
- Nightmares/Bad Dreams
- Withdrawal Symptoms
- General psychiatry
- Child psychiatry
- Bipolar Disorder
- Stress
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Double Personality/Schizophrenia
- Unexplained Physical Symptoms
- MBBS - Trichi Medical College
- 2005-MD-Psychiatry - Stanley Medical College & Hospital
- Chennai
- 2011-
- Psychiatrist
- General Physician
Awards and Recognitions
- Indian Psychiatric Society
- 2011 - 2016-Present Psychiatrist at Psychiatric Clinic
- 76913Tamil Nadu Medical Council- 2005
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Dr.Sivabalan Elangovan SKILL TO ENDORSE