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BDS, MDS - Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics
Endodontist Cosmetic Aesthetic Dentist
13 years experience
123 Recommendations
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Dr. A.V.K.Narene is an Endodontist and Cosmetic/Aesthetic Dentist in Thiruvottiyur, Chennai and has an experience of 13 years in these fields. Dr. A.V.K.Narene practices at Meenakshi Dental Clinic in Thiruvottiyur, Chennai. He completed BDS from Rajah Muthiah Dental College Hospital,Annamalai University, in 2004 and MDS - Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics from Ragas Dental College Hospital in 2008. He is a member of Indian Dental Association and Indian Endodontic Society. Some of the services provided by the doctor are: Laser Gum Surgery, Complete/Partial Dentures Fixing, Conservative Dentistry, Tooth Extraction and Acrylic Partial Denture etc. You can get the phone number of Dr. A.V.K.Narene on Timesmed.com.
Thiruvottiyur, Chennai
Meenakshi Dental Clinic
861, Thiruvottriyur high road,Theradi.Landmark: Near Annai Sivagami Mahal, Chennai
Sun 9:30AM - 1:00PM
Mon - Sat 10:00AM - 1:00PM
Mon - Sat 5:30PM - 9:30PM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic
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- Conservative Dentistry
- Cosmetic/ Aesthetic Dentistry
- Scaling / Polishing
- Tooth Coloured Fillings
- Dental Implant Fixing
- Teeth Whitening
- Laser Dentistry
- BPS Dentures Fixing
- Wisdom Tooth Extraction
- Flap Surgery
- Acrylic Partial Denture
- Crowns and Bridges Fixing
- Artificial Teeth
- Cast Partial Denture
- Complete/Partial Dentures Fixing
- Endosurgery
- Endo Surgery Or Apicoectomy
- Impaction / Impacted Tooth Extraction
- Tooth Extraction
- Dental Fillings
- Flexible Partial/Complete Denture
- Gum Disease Treatment/ Surgery
- Immediate Dentures
- Laser Gum Surgery
- RCT - Root Canal Treatment
- BDS - Rajah Muthiah Dental College Hospital - Annamalai University - - 2004
- MDS Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics - Ragas Dental College Hospital - 2008
- Endodontist
- Cosmetic/Aesthetic Dentist
Awards and Recognitions
- Indian Dental Association
- Indian Endodontic Society
- 2004 - Present - Endodontist at Meenakshi Dental Clinic
- 2009 - 2010 - Sr.Lecturer at Raagas Dental College
- 2010 - 2015 - Reader at Sri Balaji Dental College
- 7856 - Tamil Nadu State Dental Council - 2004
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