Is it normal for my unborn baby to hiccup?

 Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Yes. Feeling your baby hiccupping in your uterus (womb) is normal and something lots of pregnant women experience. Your baby may have started hiccupping every now and again late in your first trimester or early in your second trimester. 

You won't actually feel your baby hiccupping until you're about 27 weeks pregnant. By then you'll be used to your baby moving around. Feeling him hiccup is an exciting new variation on the kicks and turns he's been doing inside you. 

You may notice episodes of hiccups a number of times a day, or only once in a while. Your baby's hiccups will feel like a series of little rhythmic or jerky movements. 

Hiccups and babies often go together! Your baby may continue to get bouts of hiccups after he's born. He probably won't be bothered by his hiccups but it may help if you burp him after every feed. 

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