How can I manage my mood swings during Pregnancy?

 Thursday, September 22, 2016

Mood swings are a normal part of the pregnancy experience. It's not surprising that you're feeling highs and lows, sometimes from one minute to the next. It helps to know that you're simply behaving as expected (and as your hormones dictate). Don't worry if you have negative thoughts about your pregnancy, especially if you're finding it hard to keep food down or get enough rest. Things will get easier and better as your pregnancy progresses. 

If you're down in the dumps, do something that makes you feel good: 

1. Take a nap, go for a walk or see a film with a friend.

2. Play some foot-tapping music to pep you up.

3. Don't be too hard on yourself. One of the best remedies is to talk through your feelings with friends and family or, if you prefer, with your doctor. Pregnancy is a life-changing event. It's bound to make anyone - even a mum who's wanted a baby for years - feel overwhelmed, irritable and anxious sometimes.

4. When you feel low or moody, spend some time pampering yourself until you feel better.

5. A warm bath followed by a gentle massage will relax you immediately.

6. Avoid drab, unflattering clothes. Put on a pretty dress and a dab of your favourite perfume - it may be just what you need to lift your mood. Place fresh flowers in your room to add colour and help you feel more positive.

7. Eat a healthy and balanced diet. High-calorie foods with a high glycaemic index are quickly converted into sugar in the body. This leads to a rapid spike and fall in blood sugar levels, which may cause irritability and mood swings. It may be a good idea to reduce snacking on processed foods, drinking fizzy drinks and eating excess amounts of sugar.

When are my mood swings most likely to occur?

Mood swings tend to be most extreme in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. They should gradually diminish as you sort things out and as your body adapts to its pregnant state.

What if I can't shake my moodiness?

If you feel blue often, it may be a good idea to see a therapist. About 10 per cent of expectant women experience mild to moderate depression throughout their pregnancy, and you may fall into this category. 

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