These slimming foods will help you lose weight, and this in three ways: they will limit your calorie intake, increase your metabolism and more curb your cravings … The best of all worlds! Lets see the 9 Foods for Slimming Diet.
1. Strawberries
When you’re craving something sweet, choose strawberries. Low in calories and high in nutrients, red fruit can satisfy your sweet tooth without the guilt!
2. Apple
An apple is the perfect snack: easy to carry, tasty and satiating low in calories (140 g apple contains only 90).
3. Beet
Did you know that you could use beets in many health and slimming dark chocolate based desserts? Low in calories, sugar beet gives a sweet taste and a great texture to your cakes and chocolate brownies! If beet is one of the vegetables with the highest sugar content, it is nevertheless very low in calories.
4. Cranberries
Cranberries are low in carbohydrates and calories, but high in fiber. Half a cup contains 25 calories. However, few people like to consume in nature because of their tartness.
5. Celery
People who want to lose weight eat a lot of celery because it contains few calories. Nevertheless, it is wrong to believe that chewing celery, it consumes more calories than vegetables do provide.
6. Mushroom
Appetizing and nutritious, mushrooms are very low in calories (10 in half a cup), about lack of fat and a good source of dietary fiber, potassium, selenium, riboflavin, thiamine, of folic acid, vitamin B6 and zinc.
7. Brussels sprouts
Cabbage and brussels sprouts are rich in fiber and low in calories (a cup of chopped kale contains only 20 did), making it a very nutritious vegetable while it is ideal for those watching weight.
8. Garlic
According to the Daily Mail UK, scientists at the Weizmann Institute in Israel have found a new benefit with garlic. This could prevent weight gain and even weight loss.
9. Lettuce
People watching their weight like lettuce: it is low in calories and gives a feeling of fullness because it contains a lot of fiber.