6 Golden Rules to Be Fit (Healthy and Slim)

 Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Although the most important virtue in a healthy body is moderation in eating and drinking, it is necessary to respect other principles of healthy living. Read the 10 basic rules whose compliance will greatly help your health.

1.Regular Nutrition

Meals should not be skipped. Your  organism will work best if you have 3 main meals and 2 snacks. This rule applies even when dieting.

2. Eat variety of foods and foods rich in fiber

You should consume moderate amount of lean meat and fish, lean fermented milk products such as yogurt and sour cream and young lowfat cheese. But we must put emphasis on vegetables and fresh fruit and fresh vegetable juices and fruits. In addition of vitamins they contain fiber, fibers  mixed with water helps burn fats more quickly. You should also eat bread and pasta made from whole-wheat flour. At least once or twice a week consume beans, peas or lentils because they are rich in protein and useful carbohydrates.
Hazelnut, almond and walnut provide energy and satiety. They contain important amino acids, vitamins B, calcium, magnesium and zinc as well as unsaturated fats. Due to its calorific value they must be used in moderation, as the best snack. We have to emphasize the importance of oat products because they are rich in fiber, iron and folic acid.

3. Water

Water is your body’s principal chemical component and makes up about 60 percent of your body weight. Every system in your body depends on water. For example, water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells, and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues.

4. Walks and Exercises

As much as you do, it is certain that there is a time that you can devote yourself and your healthy body and loks. Whatever the weather, a walk will always help you to relax.

5. Forget Cigarette Smoking

Stop smoking, the body will thank you, and your face and your skin will shine again.

6. Eat less salt

Foods that are considered to have a lot of salt are meat products, soup, spicy seasonings, cheeses, salty snacks, etc.

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