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Dr Pankaj

Dr Pankaj



11 years experience

Studied & practicing healing techniques from AYUSH system of medicine with goal to serve humanity across the globe and bring health, happiness and joy in their life through the wisdom of ancient Ayurveda.Presently serve as Ayurveda Consultant at Vedicsparsh Ayurveda Pune.Has been practicing as Ayurveda more than 10 years at Pune & Aurangabad..Over the past years has helped thousands of patients suffering from Joints Pain, Skin & Hair Problems, Diabetes, Allergy, Asthma, Anxiety & Stress, Weight, IBS, Acidity, Piles, Hormonal Imbalance and many more chronic illness.Holds degree of Bachelor Ayurveda Medicine & Surgery (B.A.M.S) from Maharashtra university of Health sciences.(MUHS) NASHIK. Year 2007

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