Product Name Manufacturer Name Composition SubComposition Selling price MRP Action
Greemer Biotics Pvt Ltd Cefixime + Lactobacillus Cefixime (200mg) + Lactobacillus (60Million Spores) 135 135 Add to Cart
Healing Pharma India Pvt Ltd Cefixime + Lactobacillus Cefixime (200mg) + Lactobacillus (60Million Spores) 160 160 Add to Cart
Hy-Gro Chemicals Pharmatek Pvt Ltd Cefixime + Lactobacillus Cefixime (200mg) + Lactobacillus (60Million cells) 190 190 Add to Cart
Hope Life Sciences Cefixime + Lactobacillus Cefixime (200mg) + Lactobacillus (60Million Spores) 269.5 269.5 Add to Cart
Bioxtreme Pharma Cefixime + Lactobacillus Cefixime (200mg) + Lactobacillus (60Million Spores) 143 143 Add to Cart
Corvin Pharmaceuticals Cefixime + Lactobacillus Cefixime (200mg) + Lactobacillus (60Million Spores) 143 143 Add to Cart
Insta Care Lifescience Cefixime + Lactobacillus Cefixime (200mg) + Lactobacillus (60Million Spores) 135 135 Add to Cart
Indian Pharmaceuticals Cefixime + Lactobacillus Cefixime (200mg) + Lactobacillus (60Million Spores) 129 129 Add to Cart
Indmark Biotech Private Limited Cefixime + Lactobacillus Cefixime (200mg) + Lactobacillus (60Million Spores) 125 125 Add to Cart
Medicamen Biotech Ltd Cefixime + Lactobacillus Cefixime (100mg) + Lactobacillus (60Million spores) 99.9 99.9 Add to Cart
Medicamen Biotech Ltd Cefixime + Lactobacillus Cefixime (200mg) + Lactobacillus (60Million Spores) 160 160 Add to Cart
Silhos Pharma Ltd Cefixime + Lactobacillus Cefixime (100mg) + Lactobacillus (60Million spores) 90 90 Add to Cart
Silhos Pharma Ltd Cefixime + Lactobacillus Cefixime (200mg) + Lactobacillus (60Million Spores) 138 138 Add to Cart
Jes Pharmacia Private Limited Cefixime + Lactobacillus Cefixime (200mg) + Lactobacillus (2.5Billion Spores) 138 138 Add to Cart
Jayson Pharmaceuticals Ltd Cefixime + Lactobacillus Cefixime (100mg) + Lactobacillus (20Million spores) 94.5 94.5 Add to Cart
Jayson Pharmaceuticals Ltd Cefixime + Lactobacillus Cefixime (200mg) + Lactobacillus (60Million Spores) 160 160 Add to Cart
Jayson Pharmaceuticals Ltd Cefixime + Lactobacillus Cefixime (50mg) + Lactobacillus (20Million spores) 52 52 Add to Cart
Jenfer Biosciences Pvt Ltd Cefixime + Lactobacillus Cefixime (200mg) + Lactobacillus (60Million Spores) 150 150 Add to Cart
SBM Pharmaceuticals Cefixime + Lactobacillus Cefixime (200mg) + Lactobacillus (60Million Spores) 160 160 Add to Cart
Zynovia Lifecare Cefixime + Lactobacillus Cefixime (100mg) + Lactobacillus (2.5Billion cells) 90 90 Add to Cart