Snazzy Smiles Oral Rehab Zone
Dentistry Dental Surgery Pediatric Dentistry Oral Pathology
Office No. 4, SPANDAN, Opp. Mai Mangeshkar hospital, Above Mystic Flavors Restaurent, Popular Nagar, Warje, Pune - 411052, Pune
About Snazzy Smiles Oral Rehab Zone
Snazzy Smiles Oral Rehab Zone is a Dental clinic in Warje, Pune. The clinic is visited by doctors like Dr. Shweta Dixit Chaudhary and Dr. Mayur Chaudhary. The timings of Snazzy Smiles Oral Rehab Zone are: Mon to Sat: 10:00am-12:00pm, 5:30pm-8:30pm and Sun: 9:00am-11:00am. Some of the services provided by the clinic are: Resuscitation Kit (in case of Emergency) and Histopathology. Click on map to find directions to reach Snazzy Smiles Oral Rehab Zone.You can get phone numbers and call doctors of Snazzy Smiles Oral Rehab Zone on Tmesmed.com.
Doctors in Snazzy Smiles Oral Rehab Zone
- All Specialty
- Dentist (2)
- Dental Surgeon (2)
- Pediatric Dentist (1)
- Oral Pathologist (1)
Dr.Mayur Chaudhary
BDS, MDS-Oral Pathology and Oral Microbiology
14 years experience
Office No. 4, SPANDAN, Opp. Mai Mangeshkar hospital, Above Mystic Flavors Restaurent, Popular Nagar, Warje, Pune - 411052, PuneSun, 9:00AM - 11:00AM
Mon - Sat 10:00AM - 12:00AM
Mon - Sat 5:30PM - 8:30PM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic
Dr.Mayur Chaudhary
BDS, MDS-Oral Pathology and Oral Microbiology
14 years experience
Office No. 4, SPANDAN, Opp. Mai Mangeshkar hospital, Above Mystic Flavors Restaurent, Popular Nagar, Warje, Pune - 411052, PuneSun, 9:00AM - 11:00AM
Mon - Sat 10:00AM - 12:00AM
Mon - Sat 5:30PM - 8:30PM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic
Dr.Shweta Dixit Chaudhary
BDS, MDS - Pedodontics
15 years experience
Office No. 4, SPANDAN, Opp. Mai Mangeshkar hospital, Above Mystic Flavors Restaurent, Popular Nagar, Warje, Pune - 411052, PuneMon - Sat 10:00AM - 12:00AM
Mon - Sat 5:30PM - 8:30PM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic