Zen Multispeciality Hospital
Orthopedic Orthopedic Laparoscopy
Plot Number 425, 10th Road, Chembur Gaothan Landmark : Near Diamond Garden & Near Sandu Garden Chembur, Mumbai Maharashtra, 400071
About Zen Multispeciality Hospital
The Zen Multi Speciality Hospital is 110-bed Hospital with state of the art Modern facilities. The Hospital facility & services have been engineered around the needs of the patients & society. It provides an attractive and welcoming environment for patients and visitors with light, airy public spaces, comfort The Zen Multi Speciality Hospital is 110-bed Hospital with state of the art Modern facilities. The Hospital facility & services have been engineered around the needs of the patients & society. It provides an attractive and welcoming environment for patients and visitors with light, airy public spaces, comfortable waiting areas, and modern consulting rooms. The patients will benefit from the new modern facilities & the departments.Our Vision is to Heal with excellence and treat with compassion. Our Mission is to be the hospital of choice for patients and doctors, and an employer of choice for professionals and healthcare workers. To be a center of excellence in training and research. To become the preferred hospital for home care services. To harness the power of technology with excellent infrastructure for caring and curing. To emerge as a trusted enabler of health and wellness for the larger community.Our Values-Commitment to excellenceOffering expert doctors, skilled caregivers, state-of-the-art technology and comprehensive infrastructure-CompassionDelivering services with empathy and concern towards patients and caregivers-ProfessionalismBeing professional in our dealings with patients and their families, doctors, employees, vendors, municipal and government bodies and the larger community-TransparencyBehaving ethically in all aspects of healthcare delivery-TeamworkWorking cohesively with a collective focus on our Vision and Mission-Knowledge SharingTeaching, training and imparting techniques related to best practices, advances in treatment, new technologies and innovations to the best of our abilities.You can get phone numbers and call doctors of Zen Multispeciality Hospital on Timesmed.com. more.. [shrink]
Doctors in Zen Multispeciality Hospital
- All Specialty
- Orthopedist (2)
- Orthopaedic Surgeon Spine (1)
- Joint Replacement Surgeon (1)
- Total Joint Surgeon (1)
- Sports Medicine Surgeon (1)
Dr.Nikhil Iyer
MBBS,MS - Orthopaedics
1 years experience
Orthopedist Orthopaedic Surgeon Spine Total Joint Surgeon Sports Medicine Surgeon
Plot Number 425, 10th Road, Chembur Gaothan Landmark : Near Diamond Garden & Near Sandu Garden Chembur, Mumbai Maharashtra, 400071Mon - Sat 8:00AM - 9:00AM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic
Dr.Nikhil Iyer
MBBS, MS - Orthopaedics
13 years experience
Plot Number 425, 10th Road, Chembur Gaothan Landmark : Near Diamond Garden & Near Sandu Garden Chembur, Mumbai Maharashtra, 400071Mon - Sat 8:00AM - 9:00AM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic