Dr. Sanchaita Garg Shah

Dr. Sanchaita Garg Shah

General Physician Consultant Physician

Dr. E. Borges road , Opp. KEM Hospital, pincode400012, Mumbai

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About Dr. Sanchaita Garg Shah

Dr. Sanchaita Garg Shah is an Internal Medicine clinic in Parel, Mumbai. The clinic is visited by doctors like Dr. Sanchaita Garg Shah. The timings of Dr. Sanchaita Garg Shah are: Mon to Sat: 10:00am-7:00pm. Some of the services provided by the clinic are: Preventive and Curative Allopathic management of diseases, Health Counselling and Adult Vaccination. Click on map to find directions to reach Dr. Sanchaita Garg Shah.You can get phone numbers and call doctors of Dr. Sanchaita Garg Shah on Tmesmed.com.

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