Kalyani Dental Hospitals
Dentistry Periodontics Pediatric Dentistry Dental Implant
Road No-12, Banjara Hills, Landmark Opp To Vijaya Bank, Hyderabad
About Kalyani Dental Hospitals
Kalyani Dental Hospitals is a Dental clinic in Banjara Hills, Hyderabad. The clinic is visited by dentists like Dr. Naveen Kumar R. The timings of Kalyani Dental Hospitals are: Mon to Sun: 10:00am-9:00pm. Some of the services provided by the clinic are: Straightening Teeth (Invisalign), Dental Services, Straightening Teeth (Conventional Braces) and Teeth Whitening (Take-Home Kit). Click on map to find directions to reach Kalyani Dental Hospitals.You can get phone numbers and call doctors of Kalyani Dental Hospitals on Tmesmed.com.
Doctors in Kalyani Dental Hospitals
- All Specialty
- Dentist (2)
- Periodontist (1)
- Pediatric Dentist (1)
- Implantologist (1)
Dr.Vinutna Buddiga
BDS, MDS - Periodontics
8 years experience
Road No-12, Banjara Hills, Landmark Opp To Vijaya Bank, HyderabadWed , Sat, 10:00AM - 2:00PM
Wed , Sat, 6:00PM - 8:30PM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic
Dr.Naveen Kumar R
10 years experience
Road No-12, Banjara Hills, Landmark Opp To Vijaya Bank, HyderabadMon - Sat 4:00PM - 9:00PM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic