About Kucheria Clinic
With a special focus on providing elderly care, Dr Rachna Kucheria is a US- trained woman physician (Family Practice) on the lines of the old-fashioned ‘family doctor’ we grew up with- and hope to find again! Her emphasis on early, accurate diagnosis; appropriate (few) medicines; and clear patient communication, sets her apart as one of the best – and most trusted- physicians in Delhi. Elder care (old age) Health Specialist in Delhi, IndiaOlder adults are an increasingly growing section of our city. And although a large percentage of them are looked after by their families, we find an increasing need for provision of healthcare that is in sync with their age and functional status, delivered either at home or the clinic.In our practice, older adults have multiple chronic medical diagnoses, including diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, asthma, depression, stress and dementia and/ or inability to walk. Continuity in care with the senior during “well” times has been instrumental in diagnosing serious problems such as - infections, episodes of heart failure, low sodium (hyponatremia), dehydration, even sepsis. The combination of age and chronic diseases increases susceptibility, while at the same time dulling the manifestation of disease. This can lead to a delay in seeking medical help and precious time being lost. The familiarity or continuity that Dr Kucheria has with the senior is key, as it allows her to move to a diagnosis and treatment plan as soon as the family member contacts her.You can book an instant appointment with doctors of Kucheria Clinic on Timesmed.com.
Doctors in Kucheria Clinic
- All Specialty
- General Physician (1)
Mon - Sat 9:00AM - 10:00AM
Mon - Sat 6:00PM - 8:00PM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic