Dr. Neha Agarwal

Dr. Neha Agarwal


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About Dr. Neha Agarwal

Dr. Neha Agarwal is one of the leading Dietitians practicing in West Delhi.Has completed her PhD in nutrition and dietetics from Delhi University. Having keen interest in weight loss and child health, she followed it up with advanced courses in the feild of obesity and child health from SINGAPORE. Having aquired her skills in the feild of diet and nutrition, she started her practice in West Delhi and today she had hundreds of satisfied clients to her name.At Dr. Neha's diet clinic, the diet schedule and lifestyle of the patient is noted followed by Body composition analysis. Finally measurements are taken and a customized weight loss plan is made for every patient.You can get phone numbers and call doctors of Dr. Neha Agarwal on Timesmed.com.

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