Sanjeevini Child Care
27th Main, Venugopal Swamy Layout, Ejipura Main Road, Ejipura,Koramangala 6 Block, Landmark Near Ejipura Bus Stop, Bangalore
About Sanjeevini Child Care
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Doctors in Sanjeevini Child Care
Specialty Wise Doctor List 1 Doctors in this hospital
- All Specialty
- Pediatrician (1)
Dr.Anitha P Srinivas
MBBS,Diploma in Child Health (DCH)
16 years experience
27th Main, Venugopal Swamy Layout, Ejipura Main Road, Ejipura,Koramangala 6 Block, Landmark Near Ejipura Bus Stop, BangaloreMon - Sat 6:30PM - 8:30PM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic
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