Hasanamba Dental Care
#38, 3rd Cross, 1st Phase, 2nd Stage, Chandra Layout, Vijayanagar, Bangalore
About Hasanamba Dental Care
Doctor will come by appointmentsYou can get phone numbers and call doctors of Hasanamba Dental Care on Tmesmed.com.
Doctors in Hasanamba Dental Care
- All Specialty
- Dentist (4)
Dr.Nanda Kishora
1 years experience
#38, 3rd Cross, 1st Phase, 2nd Stage, Chandra Layout, Vijayanagar, BangaloreMon - Sat 9:00AM - 9:00PM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic
1 years experience
#38, 3rd Cross, 1st Phase, 2nd Stage, Chandra Layout, Vijayanagar, BangaloreMon - Sat 9:00AM - 9:00PM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic
Dr.Sony Prakash
1 years experience
#38, 3rd Cross, 1st Phase, 2nd Stage, Chandra Layout, Vijayanagar, BangaloreSun, 9:00AM - 12:00PM
Mon - Sat 9:30AM - 1:30PM
Mon - Sat 4:30PM - 9:30PM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic