Therapeutic World Physio Rehab Center
Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Physiotherapy Geriatric Physiotherapy Pediatric Physiotherapy
#19, Aakar Society, Jothpur Cross Road. Landmark: Opposite to Saman Complex, Ahmedabad
About Therapeutic World Physio Rehab Center
Doctors in Therapeutic World Physio Rehab Center
- All Specialty
- Clinical Physiotherapist (1)
- Cardiovascular And Pulmonary Physiotherapist (1)
- Geriatric Physiotherapist (1)
- Pediatric Physiotherapist (1)
Dr.kajal Chauhan
3 years experience
Clinical Physiotherapist Cardiovascular And Pulmonary Physiotherapist Geriatric Physiotherapist Pediatric Physiotherapist
#19, Aakar Society, Jothpur Cross Road. Landmark: Opposite to Saman Complex, AhmedabadMon - Sat 9:00AM - 1:00PM
Mon - Sat 4:00PM - 9:00PM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic