Cutis Hospital
315-316, Sarvopari Mall, Sola Road Landmark : Near Bhuyangdev Cross Road. Ghatlodia, Ahmedabad Gujarat, 380061
About Cutis Hospital
Cutis is an India based cosmetic surgery group. Our primary object is to ensure the highest quality patient care in the ambulatory surgery setting. We are committed to continually improving and refining our services, while researching the latest advances and innovations in the cosmetic surgery. This enables u Cutis is an India based cosmetic surgery group. Our primary object is to ensure the highest quality patient care in the ambulatory surgery setting. We are committed to continually improving and refining our services, while researching the latest advances and innovations in the cosmetic surgery. This enables us to offer men and women the most up to date comprehensive range of treatments and services available today and to provide highest standard of treatment that the medical profession can offer.Cutis is the premier cosmetic plastic surgery centre in India. By choosing to focus solely on cosmetic surgery procedures, our plastic surgeons are able to provide the very best in aesthetic surgery to their patients. This commitment and the quality of our results has made us one of the busiest plastic surgery in India.Privacy and easy access are the additional features of cutis for plastic surgery. We offer state of the art computer imaging for selected procedures. Our positive supportive atmosphere gives our patients the confidence to achieve their personal desired goals. We also offered a variety of payment options. Our friendly patient care team is readily available to provide support and answer any question that might arise.Cutis is in the forefront of legislative efforts to provide patients with safety and quality assurance in the outpatient surgery setting. We rigorously inspect and evaluate each facility seeking accreditation to ensure that it meets the highest standards. After accreditation is achieved, we required an in-house evaluation to identify any areas that may need improvements. Every year a formal site inspection is done by our trained representative.We achieved a wide recognition from the medical community as well as national health care agencies. We are dedicated to the goals of ensuring quality and patient safety while providing innovative, cost containing solutions for patients in our cutis surgery center.You can get phone numbers and call doctors of Cutis Hospital on Timesmed.com.
Doctors in Cutis Hospital
- All Specialty
- General Physician (1)
- Orthopedist (1)
Dr.Nitin A.Buddhadev
MS - Orthopaedics
21 years experience
315-316, Sarvopari Mall, Sola Road Landmark : Near Bhuyangdev Cross Road. Ghatlodia, Ahmedabad Gujarat, 380061Mon - Fri 10:30AM - 1:00PM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic
1 years experience
315-316, Sarvopari Mall, Sola Road Landmark : Near Bhuyangdev Cross Road. Ghatlodia, Ahmedabad Gujarat, 380061Mon - Fri 10:30AM - 1:00PM
Mon - Fri 4:00PM - 6:00PM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic