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Dr.Savita S. Kokatnur

Dr.Savita S. Kokatnur

BAMS, MD - Panchakarma


4 years experience

I offer my excellent service to your prestigious organization for focusing on the problems of the patients and providing intensive treatment by utilizing my experience and professional skills. Quality education blended with utmost sense of responsibility enables me take care of children and adults and perform in the medical environment.To specialize in the panchakarma therapies and ayurvedic treatments and well being through the application of Ayurvedic Science and Yogic Principle. You can get the phone number of Dr. Savita S. Kokatnur on



  • BAMS - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences - Bangalore - India - 2006
  • MD - Panchakarma - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences - Bangalore - India - 2010.


  • Ayurveda.

Awards and Recognitions

  • Presented A Paper On Practical Application Of Shamana Sneha In Cme (Standardisation Of Poorva Karma) Belgum

  • Presented A Mega Seminar On “A View On Basti Karma W.S.R. To Raja Yapana Basti” In Dr. Bnmet’S Shri. Malikarjun Swamiji Post Graduate And Research Centre

  • Bijapur

  • Karnataka

  • Presented A Clinical Discussion On “Parikartika” & “Kaphaja Pratishyaya” In Dr. Bnmet’S Shri. Malikarjun Swamiji Post Graduate And Research Centre

  • Bijapur

  • Karnataka

  • Presented Journal Club On Consideration Of Time Factor In Instituting Panchakarma Procedures In Dr. Bnmet’S Shri. Malikarjun Swamiji Post Graduate And Research Centre

  • Bijapur

  • Karnataka.



  • Ayurvedic Physician at Ayush Therapy Centre
  • Ayurvedic Physician at Swasthya Ayurvedic Centre
  • Ayurvedic Physician at Dhanwantari Therapy Ayurveda.


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