Dr. Shamsher Dwivedee is an esteemed Neurologist of India , with more than 23years of experience in the field of Clinical Neurology. Till recently he was associated with VIMHANS and Escort Heart Institute , New Delhi as a senior faculty member. He is credited to have started a dedicated stroke unit at VIMHANS and has conducted numerous workshops and training sessions in the administration of Inj. Botullinum Toxin. He has performed more than 500 intra venous Thrombolysis in acute Ischemic Stroke patients and was the first Neurologist to have initiated the same in India in 1998. He also brings tremendous research experience with him as a principle investigator in more than 50 International trials and have been sucessfully independently audited by the USFDA You can get the phone number of Dr. Shamsher Dwivedi on