Dr. Anup Thakur is a paediatrician specialising in infant care who is currently practicing in New Delhi. He is an expert and is consulted for solving most health problems of newborns and is trained specifically to handle the most complex and high-risk situations. If the newborn is premature, or has a serious illness, injury, or birth defect, Dr Anup Thakur assists at the time of delivery and in the subsequent care of the newborn. He works mainly in the special care nurseries or new-born intensive care units of hospitals. In some cases, after a newborn has been discharged from the unit, he also provides short-term follow-up care on an outpatient basis. Dr Thakur is also proficient in conducting diagnosis and treatments for new-borns with conditions such as breathing disorders, infections and birth defects. You can book an instant appointment with Dr. Anup Thakur on
Old-Rajendra-Nagar, Delhi
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Road, Landmark: Near Janakidevi Memorial College & Near Metro Station, Delhi
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