Dr. Ramesh K S is a Diabetologist currently practicing in Bangalore. He treats symptoms of diabetes which include excessive appetite and thirst, blood pressure fluctuation, nausea, kidney problems and urinary tract infections by comprehensive diabetic care including eye, foot, kidney care, specialist consultation along with modern lap equipment. The symptoms of diabetes overlap with other ailments and hence an accurate diagnosis is a must. The prevalence and widespread use of Junk Food and sedentary lifestyle are increasing the incidences of diabetes. Dr. Ramesh conducts a complete clinical evaluation to learn more about the patients specific condition and patient health history. You can book an instant appointment with Dr. Ramesh K S on
Basavanagudi, Bangalore
BMS Hospital
NO.618, SRI MALLIKARJUNA SWAMY TEMPLE STREET, N.R.COLONY, BANGALORE-560019,Basavanagudi, Bangalore,Karnataka, 560004
Basavanagudi, Bangalore
BMS Hospital
NO.618, SRI MALLIKARJUNA SWAMY TEMPLE STREET, N.R.COLONY, BANGALORE-560019,Basavanagudi, Bangalore,Karnataka, 560004