Dr. Naveen KG is a Consultant Radiologist currently practicing at BMS Hospital, Bangalore. He has completed his MBBS and MD, and has undergone necessary training to pursue a career in the field of radiology. Dr. Naveen assists other doctors and specialists to treat their patients by making a diagnosis and providing treatment using medical imaging. He has the medical knowledge to understand and explain patients medical problem or symptom through the images or pictures that are taken of various parts of the inside of your body. You can book an instant appointment with Dr. Naveen K G on
Basavanagudi, Bangalore
BMS Hospital
NO.618, SRI MALLIKARJUNA SWAMY TEMPLE STREET, N.R.COLONY, BANGALORE-560019,Basavanagudi, Bangalore,Karnataka, 560004
Basavanagudi, Bangalore
BMS Hospital
NO.618, SRI MALLIKARJUNA SWAMY TEMPLE STREET, N.R.COLONY, BANGALORE-560019,Basavanagudi, Bangalore,Karnataka, 560004