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Dr.Abhinav Nainani Dr.CLAIM PROFILE
BDS,MDS- Endodontics & Conservative Dentistry
9 years experience
127 Recommendations
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Dr. Abhinav Nainani is a Dentist and Endodontist in Sadar, Nagpur and has an experience of 9 years in these fields. Dr. Abhinav Nainani practices at Dr. Nainani's Dental Care Centre in Sadar, Nagpur and Prime Multispeciality Dental Care Clinic in Sadar, Nagpur. He completed BDS from Abadar Dental College in 2007 and MDS- Endodontics & Conservative Dentistry from Abadar Dental College in 2013. He is a member of Indian Dental Association and Indian Endodontic Society. Some of the services provided by the doctor are: Dental Implants, Teeth Reshaping, Fillings, Teeth Cleaning and Artificial Teeth etc. You can find various information about Dr. Abhinav Nainani on Timesmed.com.
Sadar, Agra
Dr. Nainani's Dental Care Centre
6, 2nd Floor, Poonam Arcade, Sadar, Landmark : Opposite Hotel Ashoka, Nagpur
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- BDS - Abadar Dental College- 2007
- MDS- Endodontics & Conservative Dentistry - Abadar Dental College- 2013
- Dentist
- Endodontist
- Endodontist
Awards and Recognitions
- Indian Dental Association
- Indian Endodontic Society
- Owner at Nainani's Dental Care Centre
- A-16385-Maharashtra State Dental Council- 2008
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Dr.Abhinav Nainani SKILL TO ENDORSE