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Dr. G Bhuvaneshwari is a Dentist in Sion, Mumbai and has an experience of 2 years in this field. Dr. G Bhuvaneshwari practices at Sai's Dental Care Clinic in Sion, Mumbai and Sai Dental Clinic in Matunga, Mumbai. She completed BDS from Sinhgad Dental College Hospital in 2012. She is a member of Indian Dental Association. Some of the services provided by the doctor are: Scaling, Partial and complete dentures, Cosmetic Dentistry, Root Canal and X-rays etc. You can get the phone number of Dr. G Bhuvaneshwari on Timesmed.com
Sion, Lucknow
- BDS - Sinhgad Dental College Hospital- 2012
- Dentist
Awards and Recognitions
- Indian Dental Association
- 2014 - Present-Owner at Sai Dental Clinic
- A-21425-Maharashtra State Dental Council- 2012
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Dr.G Bhuvaneshwari SKILL TO ENDORSE