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Dr.Suman Sarkar Dr.CLAIM PROFILE
MBBS, MD - Pediatrics
Paediatric Intensivist Pediatrician
13 years experience
183 Recommendations
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Dr. Suman Sarkar is an eminent consultant Pediatrician, Neonatologist, Pediatric Intensivist and Pediatric vaccination specialist in Kolkata having more than 12 years of experience in this field. He had completed his M. D degree in Pediatric Medicine from the prestigious institute - AIIMS, New Delhi, India. He is one of the renowned pediatric intensivist, pulmonologist, pediatric traumatologist, pediatric nephrologist in Kolkata. He is a teacher of M. B. B. S, M. D courses and B. Sc, M. Sc Nursing courses. He was clinical tutor in Neonatology, Assistant Professor in Pediatric Medicine and now working as a Visiting consultant and Associate professor in Pediatric Medicine. He is a trainer of Pediatric Intensive Care and invited speaker of many National Conferences and Seminars in in the field of Pediatrics. Dr. Sarkar has more than 12 research works that have been published internationally. He is the Chief Medical Advisor of INDIVAC (Doorstep Vaccination India). He is available in St. Mary Nursing Home, Ho - Chi - Min Sarani, Park Street, Kolkata and Dafodil Hospitals Pvt. Ltd, Lake Town, Kolkata. You can get the phone number of Dr. Suman Sarkar on Timesmed. com.
A-J-C-Bose-Road, Kolkata
Tue , Thu 7:00AM - 9:00AM
Tue , Thu 9:15AM - 9:45AM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic
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- Newborn Care including neonatal jaundice
- Growth and development including General Pediatrics practice
- Pediatric critical care
- Nutritional assessment
- Childhood vaccination specialist
- Children with congenital disease
- Cerebral palsy
- Attention deficit hyperactive disorder
- Pulmonology
- Children’s infectious disease and tropical diseases
- Travel medicine.
- MBBS - NRS Medical College and Hospital - 2004
- MD - Pediatrics - All India Institute of Medical Sciences - New Delhi - 2010.
- Pediatrician
- Paediatric Intensivist
- Neonatologist.
Awards and Recognitions
- 1999 - 2004
- M.B.B.S(Cal.) at N.R.S Medical College
- 2004 - 2006
- J.R at N.R.S Medical College
- 2007 - 2010
- M.D - Pediatrics at AIIMS - New Delhi
- 2010 - 2016
- Asst. Professor at SSKM & PG Hospital
- 2016 - 2016
- Associate Professor at CSS
- 2016 - 2016
- Chief Medical Advisor at Indivac ( Doorstep Vaccination India)
- 2016 - 2016
- Visiting Consultant at St. Mary Nursing Home - Ho - Chi - Min Sarani
- 2016 - 2016
- Visiting Consultant at Dafodil Hospitals Pvt. Ltd - 276 - Canal St..
- 60847
- West Bengal Medical Council - 2005.
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