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Dr.Saugata Bandyopadhyay Dr.CLAIM PROFILE
MBBS,DTM&H,MRC Psychiatry,PGMHSC,CCT (General Psychiatry and Addictions Psychiatry)
General Physician Psychiatrist Addiction Psychiatrist
1 years experience
292 Recommendations
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Dr. Saugata Banyopadhyay has more than 12 years of work experience in NHS, UK and have worked as a consultant psychiatrist. He has specialized inGeneral Psychiatry and Addiction Pschiatry and his areas of interest are mood and anxiety disorder. You can book an instant appointment with Dr. Saugata Bandyopadhyay on Timesmed.com
Salt-Lake, Pune
Vedanta Centre for Healing Minds
DB 1, 1st Cross Rd, DB Block, Sector-1; Landmark- Opposite – Bidhan Nagar College and beside SBI, Kolkata
Fri 10:00AM - 12:00PM
Fri 6:00PM - 8:00PM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic
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- Anger Management
- Premarital Counseling
- PsychotherapyÂ
- Violent Behavior
- Abnormal
- Unusual
- Strange Behavior
- Career Counselling
- Alcohol Addiction
- Drug Abuse and Addiction
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Assessment of different psychiatric illness for adults
- children
- elderly groups and people with learning disablity
- Addiction Services
- Psychological Therapies
- Psychometric and Neurocognitive Tests
- Counselling
- Fitness
- Yoga and Meditation
- Lifestyle Advice on Diet
- Sleep
- Mindfulness and Relaxation
- Marital Relationship and Counselling
- Regular Workshops for Educational And corporate Institutions
- MBBS - Calcutta University- 1995
- DTM&H - University Of Calcutta- 2000
- MRC Psychiatry - Royal College Of Psychiarists- 2009
- PGMHSC - De Monteford University- UK- 2011
- CCT (General Psychiatry and Addictions Psychiatry) - Royal College Of Psychiarists- 2014
- Psychiatrist
- General Physician
- Addiction Psychiatrist
Awards and Recognitions
- 2003 - 2015-Consultant Psychiatrist at NIHS (U.K)
- 53511-West Bengal Medical Council- 1997
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