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Dr.Hemendra Gupta Dr.CLAIM PROFILE
MBBS,MD - Paediatrics,D.C.H
15 years experience
280 Recommendations
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i am practicing in the field of pediatrics since last 15 years. i am a graduate from JLN Medical college, ajmer and post graduate from SMS Medical college. mine field of interest are pediatric nutrition, growth and development and asthma. You can book an instant appointment with Dr. Hemendra Gupta on Timesmed.com.
Durgapura, Mumbai
Sun 7:30AM - 9:00AM
Mon - Sat 5:30PM - 8:30PM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic
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- MBBS - J.L.N. Medical College- Ajmer- 1999
- MD - Paediatrics - University of Seychelles- American Institute of Medicine(USAIM).- 2012
- D.C.H - SMS Medical College- Jaipur- 2004
- Pediatrician
Awards and Recognitions
A paper on “Role of maternal oxytocin in neonatal jaundice” has been submitted to Journal- of obstetric and gynecology India
A Paper on Cardiac abnormalities in birth asphyxiated neonates.
A chapter’ Neurology of the Newborn’ in ‘A Text book of pediatric neurology in tropics’ JAYPEE BROTHERS MEDICAL PUBLISHERS (P) LTD- NEW DELHI.
CME attended on Pediatric oncology
CME attended on Pediatric critical care
CME attended on Kangaroo mother care
CME attended on Pediatric neurology
CME attended on Neonatology
CME attended on General pediatrics
CME attended on Diseases of Life Style’ organized by National Academy of Medical Sciences. (Awarded 2nd prize in paper presentation).
CME attended on Pediatric Infectious diseases
CME attended on Pediatric Haemato-Oncology
CME attended on Pediatric Advance Life Support.
CME attended on Pediatric Gastroenterology
CME attended on Annual conference of Indian Academy of Pediatrics-
- Life Member of Indian Academy of Pediatrics(IAP)
- Life member Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine (ISCCM)
- Life Member of National Neonatology Forum(NNF)
- Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics.
- Life Member Pediatric Infectitious Disease Chapter of IAP
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Medical Practioner society( MPS)
- 2001 - 2004-resident doctor at J K lon Hospital
- 2004 - 2006-registrar at Santokba Durlabh Ji Hospital
- 2006 - 2015-HOD and Consulting Pediatrician at Global Heart & General Hospital Pvt Ltd
- 2006 - 2015-Director at Gupta child & Dental Clinic
- 020170/007701-Rajasthan Medical Council- 2001
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