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Dr.Rajshekhar Nayak Dr.CLAIM PROFILE
MBBS,MS - General Surgery,FRCS (edinburgh),FRCS (Glasgow),Surgical Gastroenterologist
Surgical Oncologist GastroIntestinal Surgery Gastroenterologist Bariatric Surgeon Laparoscopy
1 years experience
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Dr. Rajsekhar Nayak is the Managing Director of Nayak Institute of Gastroenterology, and Director of the renowned Gunasheela Hospital in Basavanagudi, Bangalore. He is currently an Honorary Assistant Professor in Surgical Gastroenterology at the Bangalore Medical Collage.Dr. Rajsekhar Nayak did his MBBS from Kasturba Medical Collage in Manipal and MS in General Surgery from Bangalore Medical Collage. He then spent 6 years in the UK where he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Collages of Edinburgh and Glasgow. During his stay in UK he trained in various disciplines of Gastrointestinal Surgery particularly Advanced laparoscopic operations, Oncological surgery and Liver transplantation In the year 2000, he returned to India and joined the Dept. of Surgical Gastroenterology at the Bangalore Medical College. Introduction of basic and advanced laparoscopic surgeries has been one of his main contributions to the dept. He spent 5 years in the dept. both providing quality surgical service and supervised training of younger surgeons. This has been highly appreciated by both his peers and trainees. He continues to be a Honorary faculty in the dept.Currently as a Managing Director at the Nayak Institute of Gastroenterology he provides a comprehensive service for various ailments of the Gastrointestinal system. This includes Endoscopy, Colonoscopy, Basic and advanced Laparoscopic surgeries and open surgery for the benign diseases and cancer of Liver, Pancreas and bowel. The center routinely performs the highly advanced Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery (weight loss surgery) for morbid obesity. This has been one of the first centers in the state to start this service way back in 2007. At the time there very few centers in the country performing Bariatric Surgery.Gunasheela Surgical & Maternity Hospital is a pioneer and a leader in the treatment of Infertility in the country. Dr. Rajsekhar Nayak provides a comprehensive service of male infertility treatment. This includes both medical and surgical treatment for male infertility . Besides performing varicocele surgery, he routinely performs vasovasostomy (rejoining the vas after vasectomy) and epididmovasostomy for obstructive azoospermia. He has a large experience in extracting sperm from the testis and routinely performs the technically challenging procedure of MicroTESE. The center has been able to achieve a good pregnancy rate with IVF-ICSI with sperm obtained from the testis in both obstructive and non obstructive azoospermia You can book an instant appointment with Dr. Rajshekhar Nayak on Timesmed.com
Basavanagudi, Pune
Nayak Institute of Gastroenterology
2nd Floor, P.T. Street Basavanagudi. Landmark Near Arumugham Circle.Guna Sheela hospital 2nd floor, Bangalore, Bangalore
- MBBS - London University-
- MS - General Surgery - London University-
- FRCS (edinburgh) - London University-
- FRCS (Glasgow) - London University-
- Surgical Gastroenterologist - London University-
- Gastroenterologist
- GastroIntestinal Surgery
- Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic
- Intestine Surgeon
- Laparoscopy
- Surgical Oncologist
- Bariatric Surgeon
- Colorectal Surgeon
Awards and Recognitions
general surgeon at NHS UK - 2000
- Association of Surgeons of India (ASI)
- Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India (AMASI)
- Indian Association of Surgical Gasteroentrology
- Obesity Surgery Society of India (OSSI)
- International Hepato-pancreato Biliary Association
- 1994 - 2000-General Surgeon at NHS United Kingdom
- 2000 - 2005-Lecturer- Surgical Gastroenterology at Bangalore Medical College
- 2005 - 2015-Director and Consultant Surgeon at Nayak Institute Of Gastroenterology- Gunasheela Hospital
- 27731-Karnataka Medical Council- 1989
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