1st Floor, West Wing, Eros Building, Churchgate, Mumbai- 400 020, Maharashtra, India, Mumbai
MON - TUE 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM,WED - SAT 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Ms. Pooja Bhojani has been practicing Nutrition at Qi Lifecare Pvt Ltd for 2 years. Her primary area of interest being Sports Nutrition and she has worked with athletes. Besides the many clinical Nutrition cases like Thyroid, PCOS, Diabetes, etc. she has dealt with in the course of her career, she has worked closely with the Asian Heart Institute to rehabilitate Cardiac-care patients as well.She handles nutrition for India's most successful Altitude training-based weight-loss program at Qi Lifecare Pvt Ltd, Mumbai.You can get phone numbers and call doctors of Qi Lifecare Pvt Ltd on Tmesmed.com.
M.Sc - Dietitics / Nutrition,PG Certificate Course In Diabetes Education(PGDCE),B.Sc.- Dietitics / Nutrition
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