Dr. Sen's Clinic

51/39, Dum Dum Road, Kolkata - 700074, Near Harakali Koloni Durga Mondir, Kolkata

TUE - THU, SAT 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

About Dr. Sen's Clinic

Sauryabansh is dedicated to making a green world, whether by the care given to the growing of our herbs, the treatment of the people working for us in the fields as well as the factory, or supporting the communities surrounding our growing efforts and throughout India in general. Suryabansh has paln for constructing a hydroelectric facility that will serve not only our farms but also the surrounding communities in a way that has little impact on the environment. It has long been a common practice in the region to use tube wells, which are detrimental to the natural aquifers in the area. Hydroelectric project is a micro-unit that does not disturb the natural flow of the river, thereby protecting fish runs and the distribution of wildlife, and aiding the local farmers and villages, enhancing their quality of life, and encouraging them to have less impact on the environment. We have instituted a program to eliminate deforestation and encourage long-term sustainability of all resources indigenous to the region. We have introduced a program that educates the villagers about how to wildcraft without destroying the environment, making sure that harvesting indigenous plants remains sustainable for generations to come. We are working every day to discover ways that we can add to our sustainable practices. We make an effort to recycle everything possible, and we conserve electricity in our offices. We use nontoxic cleaning products, use recycled material whenever possible, reuse water to cultivate the planting of trees, and use organic practices to grow our ayurvedic products. We do business with like-minded distributors and manufacturers to further reduce our impact. Our goal is to live in harmony with Mother Nature and to reduce our carbon footprint. We make ongoing efforts to achieve that goal while continuing to provide the highest quality in everything we do.You can get phone numbers and call doctors of Dr. Sen's Clinic on Tmesmed.com.