SouthEx Dental

TUE - SAT 10:30 AM - 8:00 PM & SUN 10:30 AM - 2:30 PM.

About SouthEx Dental

We believe in Conserving Vital Tooth Structure because it does Not Heal by itself. Once any amount of Tooth is lost to Decay, it has to be restored with Artificial material. Therefore, The earlier we Diagnose and Treat the problem, the better it is for You. We have been practising Dentistry for over 19 years now. We provide sincere advice to our patients. We touch a tooth only If a treatment is required. We take care that all instruments and equipment being used in a patient are Sterilized/Disinfected before Reuse. A lot of items are Disposed off after each patient.<br/>Your well-being is of utmost importance to us. We provide Solutions to Most Oral and Dental problems under one roof. A Dedicated team of Specialists on our panel are there for your benefit. Any case that we cannot deal with effectively would be referred to another Specialist.<br/>Our stress is on Dental Implants, Metal-Free Crowns, Complete Dentures, Gum Surgeries and Saving Natural Teeth, among others.<br/>Your time is precious. We work by appointments to reduce your waiting time to a minimum.<br/>The materials used are of standard companies of repute to assure prolonged life of our treatments. <br/>The clinic is kept clean to provide a healthy environment to work in.You can book an instant appointment with doctors of SouthEx Dental on