Madhav Diabetes Centre

AA2, 2nd Avenue, Roundtana, Landmark: Near To Tanishq Jewelers, Chennai

MON - SAT7:00 AM - 2:00 PM

About Madhav Diabetes Centre

- The whole concept is about effectively controlling Diabetes with emphasis on nutrition, exercise, drugs; rather than drugs alone. - Education is empowerment and key to a successful management of Diabetes. - The patient is made aware of right choice in meal pattern and the need for regularity in - The whole concept is about effectively controlling Diabetes with emphasis on nutrition, exercise, drugs; rather than drugs alone. - Education is empowerment and key to a successful management of Diabetes. - The patient is made aware of right choice in meal pattern and the need for regularity in exercise pattern. - Food is supposed to be \"sensible indulgence\" rather than bouts of \"starvation\" inter-spaced with \"indulgence\". You can get phone numbers and call doctors of Madhav Diabetes Centre on