10 years experience
Endocrine Surgeon keyboard_arrow_right Breast Surgeon keyboard_arrow_right
MBBS,MS - General Surgery,Fellowship in Laparoscopic Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery,Fellowship in Laparoscopic Hernia Repair,Fellowship in Upper GI Endoscopy,Fellowship in Laparoscopic Surgery
3 years experience
General Surgeon keyboard_arrow_right GastroIntestinal Surgery keyboard_arrow_right Bariatric Surgeon keyboard_arrow_right Laparoscopy keyboard_arrow_right Endocrine Surgeon keyboard_arrow_right
MBBS,MS - General Surgery,Fellowship in Laparoscopy
3 years experience
General Surgeon keyboard_arrow_right Laparoscopy keyboard_arrow_right Endocrine Surgeon keyboard_arrow_right Breast Surgery keyboard_arrow_right Colorectal Surgeon keyboard_arrow_right
MBBS,MS - General Surgery,Fellowship Minimal Access Surgery,Fellowship of Indian Association of GastroIntestinal Endoscopic Surgeons,Fellowship of Association of Surgeons of India,Fellowship of International College of Surgeons,Fellowship of Association of Colon & Rectal Surgeons of India,Fellowship of Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeons
21 years experience
General Physician keyboard_arrow_right GastroIntestinal Surgery keyboard_arrow_right Laparoscopy keyboard_arrow_right Endocrine Surgeon keyboard_arrow_right Breast Surgery keyboard_arrow_right
11 years experience
Diabetologist keyboard_arrow_right Endocrinologist keyboard_arrow_right Endocrine Surgeon keyboard_arrow_right