Dr. A Olithselvan - General Physician

Dr. A Olithselvan


General Physician

22 years experience

About Dr. A Olithselvan

With over 20 years of experience as a Hepatologist, Dr. A. Olithselvan is currently practicing at Manipal Hospital, Bangalore. He is credited with establishing the first Liver Transplant Centre in Western Tamil Nadu. He is an expert in dealing with cases related to liver transplantation evaluation & post-liver transplant care; cirrhosis and end stage liver disease; acute liver failure; and jaundice evaluation & treatment. Dr. Olithselvan also treats the conditions such as Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B, and other viral Hepatitis; fatty liver disease associated with obesity and diabetes; alcoholic liver disease; and Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Dr. Olithselvan is a member of General Medical Council, UK; Royal College of Physicians, UK; International Liver Transplantation Society; and Indian National Association for Study of the Liver. His passion is to offer the best treatment in the most cost-effective manner in India. This emanates from his observations that these treatments are highly expensive overseas.



Manipal Hospital Dalmia Board, Salem-Bangalore Highway Landmark: Near Vijaya Bank Salem


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