D.O,MS - Ayurveda
21 years experience
Dr. Kalpana R. Bhange is an Ophthalmologist/ Eye Surgeon in Sinhagad Road, Pune and has an experience of 21 years in this field. Dr. Kalpana R. Bhange practices at Samarth Eye Clinic in Sinhagad Road, Pune. She completed D.O from Tilak Ayurved College in 1994 and MS - Ayurveda from Tilak Ayurved College in 2001. She is a member of Pune Ophthalmologist Society ( POS ). Some of the services provided by the doctor are: Microsurgery, Lens Impiant, Stitchless Cataract, Contact-Lenses and Glaucoma etc. You can get the phone number of Dr. Kalpana R. Bhange on Timesmed.com
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