Dr.M.K. Zaman


General Physician

35 years experience

About Dr.M.K. Zaman

Dr. M.K. Zaman is a Doctor in Danapur Cantt, Patna and has an experience of 35 years in this field. Dr. M.K. Zaman practices at Zaman Clinic in Danapur Cantt, Patna. He completed MBBS from Nalanda Medical College, Patna in 1981. Some of the services provided by the doctor are: family planning and full contraceptive services, Consultant Physician, General Illness, Minor OT Service and FEVER etc. You can get the phone number of Dr. M.K. Zaman on Timesmed.com.



Zaman Clinic Mainpura, Behind Hanuman Mandir, Landmark: Near SBI ATM, Patna


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