Dr.Kanika Johar

Bachelor in Physiotherapy

Clinical Physiotherapist

8 years experience

About Dr.Kanika Johar

APRC by the name itself is clear what we are:- APRC stands for A - Advanced P- Physiotherapy R- Rehabilitation C- Centre We are providing services in a health sector which is big concern for every age group. APRC provide services with the most experienced, highly skilled therapist. We started our services in 2004 with the medical products which are used in physiotherapy and in 2009 we started our career with the physiotherapy from Roshan Hospital Greater Noida. Till 2013, we have 4 centres within the radius of 40kms from Greater Noida. After the glorious journey of nine years we have established our self with an uncountable number of patients. Advanced physiotherapy & rehabilitation centre is rated no.1 physiotherapy & rehabilitation center in Greater Noida as per “WHAT CLINIC.COM”In physiotherapy, we are provide two types of care:- OPD BASED – In this we are provide day care.(for paralysis patients & CP children 4-8hrs exercise program) IPD BASED- In this ICU (chest physiotherapy & limb physiotherapy) for post operative, pre operative, vegetative state patients & bed ridden patients & physical therapy in-wards. Two of our therapist are more than 10 years of experience. One of our therapist is with two yera overseas experience (U.K.). Three of our therapist are certified mannual therapist. One of our sports physiotherapist is serving the JP Golf Academy. Our therapist are more focused towards there work and fully determined and patient centric. IN DEVELOPED COUNTRIES 80% PATIENTS ARE REFERRED FOR PHYSIOTHERAPY. APRC provide complete rehabilitation solutions under one roof listed below:- 1) Physiotherapy2) Occupational therapy3) Speech & hearing therapy4) Prosthesis5) Orthosis You can get the phone number of Dr. Kanika Johar on Timesmed.com.



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